Who is Studio Beautique?
Lee-Ann founded Studio Beautique in 2010 to share her knowledge and live her passion of helping people of all ages preserve their beauty long term.
Lee-Ann thrives on being able to help people feel happy and confident in their own skin. Private 1-on-1 treatments are provided to help each client feel welcome, and leave feeling special!
Quality products are used on your skin and applied specifically to address your needs and concerns. Studio Beautique has aligned with reputable brands such as HL Skincare, SkinGen and Oz Tan to help achieve the best results. Together with amazing products and Lee-Ann’s tenacity for researching the latest skincare science, a perfect treatment can be customised for you.
Studio Beautique offer long term solutions with a range of treatments for all ages. Whether you’re 21 and suffering from acne, 32 and have rosacea, 40 and wanting younger looking skin, or 60 and needing to rejuvenate your skin – let Studio Beautique help your beauty come to life!
Contact Perth's own private skincare clinic today on 0412 093 264 or info@studiobeautique.com.au to discuss a customised solution for you.